Ask an Athlete: 5 minutes with Mel Hauschildt

4 November 2018

In the lead up to Kona we took 5 minutes to speak to World Champion Ironman Mel Hauschildt

How are you coming along with your preparation for Kona?

My preparation for Kona has been far from what I expected it to be. I’ve been suffering a broken rib since March and unable to run or swim. 8weeks out from Kona I was told it was not healing and could not be operated on. I was lost with what to do and then a friend told me about a pain management specialist. 7 1/2 weeks out from Kona I got some treatment on my nerve to break the pain cycle to the brain so that I could start training for Kona. The surgeon was happy with how it went but told me it could take 2-4weeks to work. I was confident and determined it would work so I jumped on a plane a few days later and am now in Keystone, Colorado. It’s just over 6weeks till Kona and I am now pain free and beginning my Kona prep. The good thing about only having 6weeks is there is no time to stuff around. I am focused and determined to be on the start line, hopefully reasonably fit.

Give us a snap shot of your typical day.

A typical Wednesday I’d wake up at 5:20am and have breakfast. Leave house at 6am. 130km ride over the mountains and then a 60min steady run off the bike. Protein shake, shower then lunch. Then it’s usually emails and computer work. Maybe a walk along the river with my husband if I don’t have too much work to do. A snack then swim training 4:30-6:30pm. Dinner. Master chef. Bed.

What shoes are you wearing at the moment?

Right now I have the Saucony Shadow 5000 on my feet but I do most of my training in the Ride 7 with my faster sessions in the Kinvara or Type A6.

What are  difference between completing in the US compared to Australia?

Ironman is such a well oiled machine that most of the time you wouldn’t know your in the U.S. The set up for races is exactly the same. But there’s obviously things like riding on the right (wrong) hand side of the road. The U.S. Accent. They absolutely love to say “you’ve got this” as you run past. Most of my races in the U.S. I stay with a Homestay so that’s pretty cool. I get to meet lots of new people and they are all so nice and helpful. It’s nice to be able to cook your own meal (or have a home cooked meal) the night before your race.

Have you got a piece of advice for others starting out in the Triathlons?

Find some great training partners, cycling & running clubs, swim squads, mates to train with. With three disciplines, there’s a lot of hours of training and it can sometimes get long and tedious if it’s all done solo. It’s always fun to race your mates and push each other too.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

Chocolate! I make my own though so it’s not all that bad. Just heat up some cacao butter then allow it to cool. Mix in cacao powder and some raw organic maple syrup. I like to throw in some macadamia nuts or peppermint essence sometimes too. Chuck it in the freezer and Bobs your uncle!!!

Thanks Mel – We wish you the best with your training and will be looking forward to seeing you compete in Kona this year!

Mel Hauschildt is a 3 time World Champion Ironman, 10 time Australian Champion and 21 time Ironman 7.3 Champion find out more about Mel at

Images thanks to Witsup