Celebrating Mother's Day
6 May 2021
In honour of Mother’s Day, we are proud to release our video which helps to raise awareness of the disproportionate burnout of mothers, an issue that has intensified since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this video that we call, "The Marathon That Never Ends", we draw parallels between marathon running and motherhood, paying homage to all the mums who have gone the extra mile this past year with an undefined finish line.
The film explains how during the pandemic year, working mums in particular have faced more challenges and are bearing the brunt of childcare, housework and home-schooling.
Partnering with director Quinn Katherman and Hummingbird Content Studio, Saucony featured real mums in the video’s creation, capturing the authentic, challenging and often messy view of mothering during the pandemic.
“No one is telling the real story about what mums have been through the past year,” said Katherman. “The truth is that even when we're not actually running, as mums we are running nonstop. I know this because I do more running at home than anywhere else, and the real mothers featured in this spot do as well. It was incredible to work with a powerful team of mums to bring this to life. We were pumping between and during takes, fielding kid meltdowns and bringing as much of daily life to the screen as possible. I'm so glad that Saucony wanted to tell this story and I hope that the mums that see this feel seen this Mother's Day."